Includes everything that is in Editor and Lettering levels
Design browser, advanced editing tools, embroidery format conversion, sync utility, preset fabrics, share, print, hoops, stitch processor, advanced lettering, monograms, Hyperfont and much more. Everything that is in Editor and Lettering levels is also available in Digitizer level as well. Check Letering and Editor level pages for more details.
Professional block by block editing
Underlay, density, stitch direction, start & end points, various embroidery recipes, many stitch types, stretch and much more. Even manual stitch editing is available in Spark! Everything that you need from a professional embroidery software is available at your fingertips.
Autopunch - Automatically convert images to embroidery in seconds
Three steps. 1) Open the image with Spark app. 2) Create embroidery automatically in seconds. 3) Save and send to your embroidery machine. From your mobile phone. Its not magic, its Spark.
Photostitch - Automatically convert photos to embroidery in seconds
What about that nice portrait you shot the other day? You prefer it in embroidery with rectangular, satin or running stitch filling technique? You fancy modern color or classic monochrome fill?
AutoCross stitch - Automatically convert images to cross-stitch in seconds
Cross-stitch? No, we didn't forget about that. Create awesome cross stitch embroideries out of any image in seconds with Spark AutoCross stitch function.
Repeat design easily
Yes, you can copy and paste with Spark as well. But repeat is much more easy and accurate. Repeat your designs as many times as you want vertically and horizontally.
Applique to any block
If you like using applique in your embroideries, Spark has you covered. You can easily use applique to any block of your design. First and second holding line as well as overlock stitches available.
Place design in hoops
Choose between a large variety of hoops to show around your design. Be sure your designs are within the limits of your hoop before loading them to your embroidery machine.
Automatic outline to any block
Add running stitch or satin outline to any block of your design automatically with a click. You can adjust outline density and color easily from advanced block editing settings.
102 Motifs/200 Step Patterns
102 pre-constructed motifs and 200 pre-contructed step patterns are available. There is no chance you will not find what you like!
Share design and image
Easily share any design along with a high quality image with email, dropbox, google drive, onedrive, viber or any other app that can share files and is installed in your smart device.
Free PC Sync Utility
Sync all your mobile device designs with your PC in seconds with Wavenet Spark app free PC sync utility. We know you have a lot in your mind, so we made it as easy as it gets. No settings required!
What language do you prefer?
Wavenet Spark app is available in 8 languages with more coming up: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Dutch and Turkish.
Get Started with Spark app Today
The world has gone mobile. Why not your embroidery software?